Smart SoftExchange

Smart SoftExchange


Recent days schools/colleges in all over India are placing mobile phone signal jammers in hostels to avoid unwanted usage of mobile phones and also for the safety of students who are staying at hostel. Even though it seems to be a good solution but it also restrict students from contacting their parent's too. In order to overcome this issue we provide an enormous tool called SMART SOFT EXCHANGE (SSE).

The most prominent feature of Smart Soft Exchange tool is to provide safety for the students by restricting the students to make/receive calls to/from the numbers which are authorized by parent. A separate smart phone and a unique number will be provided to the students who are staying at the hostel. Parent's mobile number will be uploaded with respective to the student number on the phone server and an unique server number will be provided to the parent's. When parent's contact the number the server will check whether the number is in white-list i.e., it will check whether the number is authorized or not. If the incoming number is not authorized then the server will block further proceedings. If the number is authorized the server will automatically direct the call to the respective student's smart soft phone number. Similarly students can also make calls through the provided smart phone, only to the numbers which are uploaded in the server on parent authorization.

Our server can handle numerous calls at the same time so there will not be any delay in making/receiving calls. Smart Soft Exchange also has a feature of restricting the call duration and also provide an option for billing purpose.